Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Teachers Union Exsposed

What happened to  morals and ethics ? The Teachers union has taken advantage of teachers, schools, and children. This is Nauseating! 

NYSUT is a federation of more than 1,200 local unions, each representing its own members. We are affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA). We are also part of organized labor - the AFL-CIO - and of Education International, with more than 20 million members worldwide. http://www.nysut.org/about.htm

Partnership for 21st Century Skills
NEA is a founding member of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, a national advocacy organization that encourages schools, districts, and states to infuse technology into education and provides tools and resources to facilitate that effort.

The partnership, chaired by NEA Executive Director John Wilson, includes a range of business partners (Time Warner, Ford, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Dell, Verizon, SAS, and more), various education-related organizations (American Association of School Librarians, American Federation of Teachers, Educational Testing Service, Pearson Education, and others), foundations (Intel Foundation and Oracle Education Foundation) and media groups (Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Cable in the Classroom, and more). Visit the Partnership for 21st Century Skills Web site  for a full list of partners

1 comment:

  1. تُسهل المُنظفات عملية التنظيف بطريقةٍ سَلِسة وبدون أيّ عناء، حيث إنه يتوفر العديد منها بالأسواق، وبعدة ماركات وأنواع مُختلفة، ويُمكن تمييز أفضلها من خِلال التجربة، والكثير منها يحتوي على مُكوّنات آمنة تُساهم في تنظيف الأسطح والأرضيات بلطفٍ دون أن تتعرض للخدش أو التآكل، وبعد الاستخدام يترك رائحةً عَطِرة في كل أنحاء المنزل
    شركة تنظيف منازل
